My son and I were walking down a new-to-us trail near our home. I was very pleasantly surprised at the beauty of the local fall wildflowers. My first internal reactions were:
- I need to know what these flowers are!
- I should take pictures so I can identify them!
- I might write about this later – I need lots of photos!
But then, slowly, I began to think:
No, I don’t have to photograph everything. I should just enjoy the walk with my son and the beauty of the trail. Let this beauty soak into my soul and nourish me.
That immediately brought me into a place of intimacy with the Lord. He reminded me that yes, there are times when he wants us to broadcast a message to the world. And there are other times when the things we share in our quiet times, are just for him and his child. No photos, please.
Have you ever shared something with a friend, believing it to be in confidence, and then your intimate conversation became known to a broader audience? There was a disconnect somewhere, surrounding expectations. Or, perhaps the relationship wasn’t quite to the point that you thought it was.
Paul admonished us, in I Thessalonians 5:17, to pray without ceasing. Nurture the relationship. Prayer can be most basically described as communication with the Father.
Communication takes many forms. Prayer is sometimes done publicly with others and sometimes it is just for him and his child. Our heavenly Father loves to hear the ramblings of our souls. But he also loves it when we listen to him speak. He says:
And, he speaks through many things and in many ways. Just ask Balaam’s donkey!
Gardening keeps my thoughts and my heart uplifted to heaven in a posture of worship and prayer. Or prayer and worship. It can be the catalyst for an adjustment of my attitude. It is a place where I can commune with my heavenly daddy, uninterrupted, even when there are distractions all around me. What joy and peace that brings to my soul!
It is a part of how He nurtures this supernatural relationship. One so foundational that it spills over into daily living and interactions with others. He is always working in our hearts to will and to do according to his pleasure. Philippians 2:13, AMP That includes how we relate to one another – but I, we, have to know what moments are sharable, and which moments carry the signage: No Photos, Please!
I am fortunate to be able to share my thoughts on how much God’s creation means to me and how it connects me in worship to him, especially with the way things are in the world today. And I love cultivating my “no photos, please” moments with him in the garden, because they influence my “public” interactions with those I love, and beyond. ❤️
Life is worship, and worship is life.
NO PHOTOS PLEASE photo credit:
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